Qualifying scores for the Triple Nine Society

Only the tests listed in the table below can be used to qualify for admission.

To qualify for membership, you must provide an official score report (see requirements below) documenting your qualifying score on one of the tests listed below. Please send it together with a signed application form to [email protected].

For full application instruction, please see How to join.

All score reports must include:

In addition, all reports for psychologist-administered tests must include:

Any applicant authorized to administer, or in any way having access to, any of our admissions tests must provide evidence of satisfactory scores achieved before he/she became so authorized or before gaining access to any such test. It is required that any applicant authorized to administer, or with access to, any of our accepted tests disclose that fact and list all such tests on his/her TNS application. Failure to disclose will result in administrative dismissal from the Society. No scores will be accepted from anyone whose business associate or familial relative administered their test, nor may tests have been self-administered.

Age and date of testing

There are no exceptions, under any circumstances, to the minimum qualifying scores and age-and-date restrictions listed below.

Not suitable for admission:

Submitting official ACT score report

You can have your ACT score sent to TNS directly from the myACT website. TNS is listed as number 1935 on the ACT organisation facility to send scores.

Requesting archived SAT score reports


If you still have questions after reading all information provided on this page, please send a message to [email protected].

Qualifying testMinimal score
ACT (American College Testing Program)     32
prior to October 1989  
ACT (American College Testing Program)   34
after October 1989  
AGCT/GT (U.S. Army General Classification Test)157 raw
prior to 1976  
American Mensa Admission Test IQ   149
prior to April 2001  
CTMM (California Test of Mental Maturity)149
Cattell A & B combined85 raw
not valid for test dates after 2014  
Cattell Intelligence (verbal) Test – Scale IIIB173
CFT 20-R (Cattell Grundintelligenztest)146
GRE (Graduate Record Exam) verbal + quantitative1460
through September 2001  
GRE (Graduate Record Exam) verbal + quantitative + analytical2180
1982 through September 2001  
GRE (Graduate Record Exam) verbal + quantitative336
after July 2011  
HAWIE-R (Hamburg-Wechsler-Intelligenztest für Erwachsene)146
LAIT (Langdon Adult Intelligence Test)150
prior to January 1994  
LSAT (Law School Admission Test)730
through May 1982  
LSAT (Law School Admission Test)48
June 1982 to May 1991  
LSAT (Law School Admission Test)173
after May 1991  
MAT (Miller Analogies Test)
472 scaled
85 raw
Mega Test24
prior to January 1995  
NGCT (Naval General Classification Test)74
1954 through 1977  
RAPM (Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices)35 raw
prior to April 2014  
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) verbal + math1450
prior to April 1995  
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) verbal + math1520
April 1995 through February 2005  
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale – Form L or M151
minimum 16 y.o. at test date  
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale – Form LM149
prior to 1987, minimum 16 y.o. at test date  
SB-IV (Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale)149
minimum 16 y.o. at test date  
SB-5 (Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale)146
minimum 16 y.o. at test date  
SRA Primary Mental Abilities   149
prior to April 2001  
Titan Test24
prior to January 1995  
WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) – Full Scale IQ146
WAIS-III not valid if taken after 15th February, 2015  
WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) – Full Scale IQ146
only for 15-16 y.o. at test date